Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn, Chairman of the Regulatory Policy and Policy Issues Committee of the Bavarian Economic Advisory Council, invited Florian Wagner, CEO and Dr. Mario J. Mueller, CTO of Emerald Horizon, to discuss “Nuclear energy – quo vadis?” on 25.11.2024.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn described the challenges of German energy policy in his book “Energiewende ins Nichts” (Energy transition to nowhere) – a lack of technological solutions, an insufficient base load supply and the risk of an electricity shortfall. However, Monday evening in the Königssaal of the “Zum Bayerischen Hof” in Munich offered a new perspective.
At the invitation of the Bavarian Economic Advisory Council, Dr. Mario J. Mueller presented to around 150 experts how modern fourth-generation nuclear energy, in particular ADES technology (Accelerator Driven Energy Source), can close precisely this technological gap.

𝗪hy 𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗦 the future?
– Safety:
No chain reactions – ADES works with accelerator energy, making an automatic stop possible at any time.
– Sustainability:
No classic nuclear waste – our technology produces 0% transuranics.
– Flexibility:
The reactor can be switched on and off, ideal for sustainable energy planning.
– Efficiency:
Thorium as fuel, combined with state-of-the-art technology, offers maximum resource utilization with minimum risks.
Dr. Mueller impressively explained how ADES not only secures the energy supply, but also represents an economical and environmentally friendly solution – an answer to what Prof. Sinn often describes as the “missing technology” in the energy transition.
Emerald Horizon shows how the energy transition can succeed – free of ideology, open to technology and with a clear focus on safety and sustainability.


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